We work closely with solicitors to provide valuation, forensic and tax support in financial ancillary relief proceedings.
Our work encompasses everything from reviewing financial information and statements (such as the Form E), whether as part of a court based or private Financial Dispute Resolution or collaborative legal process, through to Single Joint Expert valuation reports, including consideration of liquidity and tax issues in relation to financial settlement on divorce.
Our specialist partners have provided accountancy, valuation and tax reports as Single Joint and Independent Expert in numerous cases at the High Court, the Principal Registry of the Family Division and in the County Courts, including giving oral evidence.
We act in relation to complex, high value or high net worth cases and also where there is an international or overseas/offshore dimension, which may involve more complex tax, trust, or disclosure issues.
We value shareholdings or interests in companies or businesses as part of financial remedy proceedings and have a wide range of valuation experience across a number of commercial and business sectors.
We also advise on the tax efficient division of assets in high value divorce cases, taking advantage of tax reliefs which cease on divorce (for example tax-free transfers between spouses).
Get in touch to find out how we can support you.
Key experience