Property ownership takes many forms, but whether you own commercial or residential property, and whether you use it in your own business, enjoy it personally or have a property investment portfolio or property letting business, we have the expertise you need to advise you on all the relevant tax issues you need to take into account.

With the volume of changes to UK property taxation showing no signs of abating, we can make sure you plan ahead and advise you to make sure you avoid the many pitfalls which await the unwary.

With our advice, you can rest assured that your property interests are in good shape taking into account all relevant UK taxes.

How our experts can help you

Clients acquiring UK property have a number of choices to consider at the time they acquire it:

  • How best to own the property – personally, in a company or in some other vehicle – taking into account the relevant commercial and tax considerations.
  • How to fund the purchase in the most tax efficient way.
  • Which taxes will apply? Consideration of all relevant taxes, including income tax, capital gains tax inheritance tax, and as well as stamp duty land tax and VAT, whenever they bite: on purchase, during your ownership, as your property interests generate an income or when you come to sell.

For those looking to acquire properties abroad, as a member of the Nexia network, we can use our global connections to give you access to local advice on the practical and tax considerations you need to consider in order to give you peace of mind when considering buying property overseas.

Our services include:

  • Advising on the implications of owning a property personally or indirectly, for example through a limited company or other vehicle.
  • Dealing with all relevant tax compliance issues with HM Revenue & Customs, for example preparation of annual accounts and tax returns for property rental income or investment.
  • Advising on the tax issues when selling your property and making necessary returns of capital gains to the UK tax authorities.
  • Advice for non-UK residents looking to acquire UK property for personal use or investment purposes.

If you are interested in our services to commercial real estate investors and developers, find out more here.

Please contact our expert team to discuss a specific issue or to find out more about the services we offer to private wealth clients.

Contact Us

Lizzie Murray
Partner, London

Key experience

Lizzie is Head of the Private Wealth Practice Group. She coordinates the services provided to the High Net Worth clients.