Sporting activities, whether as part of a larger landed estate or as a single business, have many specialist issues, particularly in the area of taxation.

The services we offer to sporting estates and businesses

Owners of valuable sporting rights, need advice on the appropriate structures to use which will maximise tax reliefs and exemptions, minimise VAT, and ensure the owner does not get taxed when they die or plan to hand on a sporting business/estate to the next generation. HM Revenue & Customs has very strict guidelines in all of these areas and will apply them to the taxpayer’s detriment if there is tax at stake.

Our advice regularly covers areas such as:

  • The inheritance tax treatment of sporting activities and rights.
  • What activities would regarded by HM Revenue & Customs as taxable.
  • VAT – shooting activities, registrations or interaction with existing activities.
  • PAYE and RTI issues for beaters.

We have unrivalled experience in advising sporting businesses on all aspects of taxation to ensure your tax burden is reduced to the absolute minimum. We currently act for the owners of 1 in every 13 acres in the United Kingdom, much of which is used for sport.

In addition to tax advisory work we also deal with the tax compliance matters for owners, everything from annual tax reporting to quarterly VAT returns and payroll.

However, it is not all about tax, we also advise sporting estates in all areas of their business strategy, benchmarking the performance of the business and assisting with the accounting requirements. For more information on how we can help your business, please contact one of our specialist team.

Contact Us

David Bussey
Partner, Leeds

Key experience

David is a partner in the firm’s Land and Rural Property Group.