We act for clients based in the UK and overseas, providing a full range of services to individuals and businesses whose reach extends beyond the UK, and in many cases across multiple countries.

Our aim is always to provide practical, client-specific solutions that are tax-efficient and flexible.

Many of our clients have interests in multiple jurisdictions, often involving complex offshore structures, and we have considerable experience of advising individuals about cross-border issues and how to protect their wealth. Each client is different and our advice is tailored accordingly, encompassing not only tax advice but also their wider commercial and personal needs.

For international businesses, we provide audit, accountancy and advisory services, whether they are large international groups operating across multiple jurisdictions, overseas business looking to enter the UK market or UK businesses expanding overseas.

Our experts have extensive knowledge of UK tax legislation, particularly concerning the taxation of non-UK domiciled individuals and are well-placed to advise internationally-mobile individuals and employees who are considering coming to or leaving the UK and entrepreneurial individuals who operate their businesses in the UK.

We provide a full range of offshore fiduciary and UK tax compliant accounting services from our offices in Guernsey, Geneva, Zurich and the Cayman Islands.

As a member of Nexia we are able to seamlessly link our clients with the very best advisers around the world, and work with them to provide holistic cross-border advice where required.

We also have Russian and Cantonese/Mandarin speakers in our London and Geneva offices, and have translated some of our popular briefing notes into these languages.

Contact Us

Robert Mace
Partner, London

Key experience

Robert is Head of the London Tax Group. He specialises in advising UHNW/HNW clients and their businesses. 