Peter Lalies

Senior Manager, London

Peter Lalies

Peter is a tax specialist who advises entrepreneurs and their businesses, seeking solutions for their specific challenges.

This includes holistic advice on a wide variety of tax matters including succession planning, the sale of businesses, property acquisitions, the expansion into new projects or geographical markets and many more. This allows clients to have one relationship that can assist with all their tax concerns.

These solutions are tailored to his clients’ needs, ensuring that it is delivered on a commercial and practical basis to help them grow and protect capital.

Key experience

  • Undertaking a capital reduction demerger to separate the trade from the remaining investment assets,
  • Raising equity investment under the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS), Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Venture Capital Trust (VCT) schemes,
  • Rewarding key UK employees with equity and share options,
  • Advising on the purchase of residential, commercial or hybrid property,
  • Extracting funds from a business in a tax efficient manner,
  • Corporate restructuring, disposing of businesses to a third-party buyer or facilitating the succession of a family business to the next generation,
  • Tax planning for international clients who are arriving or leaving the UK,
  • Advising individuals in relation to the taxation of cryptoassets.


Peter is married with two young children. Outside of work, Peter enjoys introducing his children to new experiences and cultures. He is a passionate football fan and enjoys watching a game (when his children allow).
