This is a child friendly version (not a substitute) of our privacy policy.

This document is about how we use, and how we look after information we have about you.

You can always:

  •  ask us for a copy of the information we have about you
  • ask us to update the information we have about you
  • ask us to delete the information we have about you

We will always:

 follow the law on how we can keep and use the information we have about you

  • make sure our policies are the best they can be

We will never:

  •  give the information we have about you to anyone else, unless
    • you tell us we can
    • we think that doing so will protect you from harm
    • the law says we have to (eg to prevent a crime)
  • tell people about our work with you in a way that you can be identified, unless you have told us we can
  • use the information you have given us to sell you anything, unless you have told us we can.

Here is more detail

Saffery keeps the information we have about you safe and private. This goes for all the young people we work with. It also goes for our staff and for other people who work with us too. We have made sure that we have set up good ways to keep information about you safe and private. We keep checking these to make sure they are as good as possible.

We keep to what the law says about using and looking after information about people. We will keep to the latest rules about this which are part of the law from 2018 onwards. (The main law is called the “Data Protection Act”. This became a law in 2018. The latest rules are called the General Data Protection Regulations 2018).

  • your name
  • your date of birth
  • your email and postal addresses
  • your phone number
  • which country you are from

If you work with us we will also have information about:

  • your academic history – which school you went to and what grades you have
  • your bank details
  • your salary records
  • your emergency contact details
  • your absence details
  • information about your health and wellbeing

If you are a young person we are working with, we may ask you about your physical and mental health, the choices you may make about sex, your race and background, and your religion. We might of course know other things about you as part of our work with you. We only keep information like this about you so we can use what we know to help you, or to work with you in the future. For example, if we are going to give you help and advice about a new problem, we may see from our records that there are other problems you have already told us about. Using that information about you means we can give you better help or advice. As another example, we may need to use the address, email address or phone number you have given us, to get in touch with you again if we need to.

We only ask things about you that you want to tell us, or things that we think we need to know so we can work with you. We will not tell anyone else what we know about you.

You will also tell us some things about yourself if you have asked us to send you things through email. The law says there are only two ways we can use any information we have about you.

One is when you have given us your permission. We have only got your permission if you have actually told us it is ok. We can’t say you have given us permission just because you have not said “no” to something.

The other way we can use information about you is when we think that using it will really help us to work with you. Before we use information about you, we decide whether it is more important to use it to help you, or not use it because it is private.

There can be times when the law says we must pass on some information about people. For example, to help stop a crime. If the law says we have to pass something on we don’t have a choice. We aren’t allowed to say no, even if you haven’t given us permission.

If you give us permission, or we believe it will help us to help you even if it is very private, we might get another person or organisation to do some work for us on the information we have about you. We will only ask anyone to do this for us if we are sure they will not break the laws about keeping information about you safe and private.

We need to see how well we are doing in helping children from different groups. Sometimes we need to use information like your age or whereabouts you live, so we can see the sorts of people we are

helping. We also need to give some information about our work to people who are giving us money towards our work, or to people who are checking to see how well we are doing. What we tell them is about the work we do, not private information about particular people. The information we share is ‘anonymous’, which means nobody can tell which bits of information are about you. They will not be able to see the name of anyone any of the information is about.

We will never use the information you have given us to sell you anything, unless you have said we can.

If another organisation tells us something about you, we will keep to their rules about what we do with what they have told us. We will keep to any permission you have given them about using what they tell us about you.

The law says that you can always

  • Ask us for a copy of the information we have got about you
  • Change the information we have got about you, or bring it up to date, if it is wrong
  • Change how you’d like us to get in touch with you
  • Ask us to delete all the information we have got about you (we will then do that, and just keep your name on a list of people we won’t get in touch with again)
  • Tell us we can’t use information about you for anyone to sell you anything
  • Tell us if you are worried about the way we are keeping or using information about you and want to make a complaint about this.

To do any of these, the address you can contact us at [email protected]

 We will get back to you in a month – or sooner.

Like lots of websites, ours downloads tiny files called ‘cookies’ onto your computer. These help our website to work properly for you. You can find out lots about cookies on Wikipedia.

One sort of cookie our website may put onto your computer is from Google. This is to see what people look at on our website, so we can make it better in the future. You can find out more about this on the ‘analytics’ page on Google’s website.

Another sort of cookie that may go onto your computer is from one of the other sites you can get onto through our website – like Google Maps, YouTube, Vimeo, and Flickr. You would need to go onto their own websites to find out more about these.

You can stop your computer from having cookies put on it. The ‘Help’ part of your computer’s web browser should tell you how to do this. It is best not to do this though, because stopping some cookies can mean that websites like ours won’t work so well on your computer.

We may change some of the things we have said here about what we do with things we know about you. If we have got your email address, we will send you an email to tell you about any big changes. Or we will tell people about any changes on our website. If you keep using our website, this will mean you are ok with those changes.

Last modified 10 September 2024.
