Roger Mitchell

Senior Manager, London

Roger Mitchell

Roger is a Senior Manager in the Film and TV team, advising clients in aspects of statutory reporting, corporate tax compliance and accessing the creative sector tax reliefs.

He works with a range of clients ranging from major film studios and television broadcasters to independent production companies and video game developers.

Key experience

  • Advising film, television and video game producers on how to access the UK creative industry tax reliefs and expenditure credits,
  • Assisting client with their reporting requirements including audit, accounts and tax compliance,
  • Advising overseas clients on viability of projects to the UK and considering production-specific contractual arrangements and multi-territorial production structures,
  • Advising on calculating the UK tax incentive for film and television productions,
  • Advising on British cultural test qualifications for films, tv programmes and video games.


Roger is an avid sports fan, who enjoys spending time with his two children.
